Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Slimmingdown Windows 7 (Short Guides) Part.2


Pada posting kali ini, hanya menampilkan ringkasan hasil implementasi atau integrasi Windows 7 SP1 Updates (x86) berdasakan Windows Updates Downloader (WUD) Update Lists (ULs) [2015-03-25].

Untuk Tutorial (User Guides) secara lengkap bisa dilihat pada postingan sebelumnya ( Slimmingdown Windows 7 (Short Guides) Part.1) !

Semoga Bermanfaat & Selamat Mencoba !!!

For Your Information (FYi) [Show]

Trial-Run Results (Summaries) ! [Show]

#5: Implement Updates Manually using DiSM.v10.0.10240.16384 [Show]

#4: Implement & Slimmingdown Updates using WREX-70.v1.1.8.0 [Show]

#3: Implement & Slimmingdown Updates using WREX-70.v1.1.5.0 [Show]

#2: Implement Updates Manually using DiSM.v6.3.9600.17031 [Show]

#1: Implement Updates (ONLY) using WREX-70.v1.1.3.0 [Show]

#0: Implement & Slimmingdown Updates using WR70.v4.2.0.0 [Show]

Download & References Link [Show]

Posting Selanjutnya :
"Convert Microsoft DVD/iSO to Microsoft ESD Manually"
Soon as Possible, Insya Alloh !!!

Bagi Sahabat(2x) yang ingin & berbagi ilmu dipersilahkan untuk melangkapi, dengan menuliskan kolom komentar di bawah :)

Jazakumullohu Khouiron Katsiron
Muga Aya Mangpaatna, Hatur Nuhun !

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